Alone Together

theOffice is not your typical coworking space. Why? Because no one’s actually co-working here. Instead, we’re all alone… together… in one open-air space with phones on vibrate and conversations taken outside. theOffice has all the buzzy energy of your favorite coffee shop without the chatty neighbors or backbreaking chairs.

Focus First, Schmooze Later

As writers ourselves we know all too well that any distraction is a word count killer. That’s why you’re not going to find a ping pong table or kombucha lounge here. You will find, however, that you’ve finally cracked that Act 3 problem that’s been plaguing you for months. You’ll find that you’re far less likely to waste your day trolling the internet when there’s a roomful of writers tapping out their creations all around you. And you might even find that when you remove distractions and get productive, you start enjoying the work! (cue heavenly choir here)

The Space

Grab your own desk, spread out at the big communal table, get active at a standing desk or curl up in a cozy lounge chair – there’s a spot in the room for all types. Plus everything is ergonomic (Steelcase + Herman Miller furniture) so you won’t get fatigued on those all-day marathons. There’s a separate kitchen with bottomless coffee, tea and water; a phone booth which you can reserve for important Zoom calls; lockers for storage; and a back patio for taking lunch, phone calls or hanging with your fellow members. We offer 24-hour access to our members and one-day options for non-members as well.

“I’ve gotten more work done here in the past week than I have in the past two months!” We hear a version of this quote from newcomers all the time. But don’t take our word for it, check out the slew of movies, books and more that were written here.